
Warren Wilson College Named Top LGBTQ College has ranked Warren Wilson College as the best LGBTQ college in the country for 2023.

Warren Wilson College has a strong and vibrant LGBTQIA+ community on campus, with more than 50 percent of Warren Wilson College students identifying as queer. 

“When it comes to queer life on college campuses, Warren Wilson really sets itself apart from other institutions,” said Jonathan Gonzales, the director of student activities and queer life at the college. “Warren Wilson is a campus community where queer students can be in community with each other and freely explore all parts of their identities. It’s a community where queer students will be validated and celebrated.”

Warren Wilson College supports LGBTQIA+ students with specialized resources, support, events, facilities and housing. The Queer Resource Center (QRC) runs regular social and educational programming including film screenings, drag brunches, support and affinity groups, self care nights, dance parties, sex education workshops, hormone and name change info sessions, and Coming Out Day and Trans Day of Visibility programming.

At an inaugural Lavender Graduation to honor lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students this year, 54 students received lavender cords to wear at Commencement. That is more than a third of the graduating class.

In addition, Warren Wilson has LGBTQIA+ friendly facilities, including all-gender restrooms, gender-neutral dorms and an alliance living and learning community as an intentional and supportive space of all genders and sexual identities.

“We have vibrant living learning communities for queer students, and a Queer Resource Center that coordinates programming for students that aims to celebrate queer identities, culture, and history,” Gonzales said. “I’m happy to learn that Warren Wilson is being acknowledged as the top LGBTQ+ campus because I want queer folks across the country to know that Warren Wilson College is a place where they can thrive.” is a scholarship awarding organization that enables anyone and any company to create targeted scholarships, fellowships, and grants to reduce the prevalence of student debt.

The blog announcing the best LGBTQ colleges for 2023 states, “Colleges that made the list of the 2023 top colleges have created a school that supports inclusion for all students in a safe, nurturing environment. Additionally, universities have created organizations, groups, and curriculum to support a diverse group of students. With greater support across all populations, students have the ability to focus on their academic trajectory and utilize their talents in incredible ways.”

“I really enjoy Warren Wilson. It feels really welcoming towards our queer community,” said Sage Scott, a rising sophomore at Warren Wilson. “We do a lot of outreach here at the QRC. We work within our community and then outside the community and it’s a great space to get involved.”