What You’ll Study

Together, we’ll contemplate humanity’s biggest questions from the perspective of different societies around the world, by studying their origins, traditions, daily lives, and behaviors.


You can complete a broad path of study with the general Sociology/Anthropology major, or opt to focus your coursework with one of these concentrations:


Study the earliest history of civilizations from around the world, as well as archaeological field and laboratory research methods, which you’ll practice at a nearby archaeological dig site.

Cultural Anthropology

Learning about other cultures helps you better know your own. Study the traditions, religions, and social systems of Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and other societies around the globe.

Gender and Women’s Studies

Explore how different societies think about gender, feminism, and women’s issues, as well as gender inequalities that persist in both developing and industrialized nations.


Analyze the different types of social systems, including topics like the role of the family, culture, the environment, gender, and inequality.

Senior Thesis

During your senior year, you’ll design and complete a research project on a topic of your choice with the help of a faculty advisor. Then you’ll present your findings at our campus conference, giving you a complete view of what it’s like to conduct original academic research.

Past Thesis Topics

  • Creating Identity in a Digital Age: The Facebook Addiction
  • Zooarchaeology: The Language of Faunal Remains
  • The Effects of War and Separation on Southern Sudanese Culture
  • Structural Oppression and Crime in the Lives of Female Inmates
  • Gender Construction and Feminist Action Within DIY Punk Communities

Where You’ll Go From Here

Unlike a technical or vocational-linked degree, this program gives you social science experience in research, observation, analysis, and communication that is flexible enough to apply to many different types of jobs. Here are some general directions you might go in, and examples of jobs you might find in each:


  • Consumer research analyst
  • Human resources representative
  • Corporate recruiter
  • User experience analyst

Government and Community

  • City planner
  • Environmental program manager
  • Museum/gallery curator
  • Equity and diversity advisor
  • Natural resource manager
  • Historic preservationist
  • Human rights advocate
  • Community development organizer
  • Government accountability officer
  • Policy analyst

Law and Criminal Justice

  • Criminal investigator
  • Juvenile probation officer
  • Forensic anthropologist

Social Services

  • Public health consultant
  • Family planner
  • Rehabilitation counselor
  • International aid worker

Explore Classes in This Program

ANT 3960

Archaeology of Food and Feast

In this course, you will use archaeology to explore the diversity of human food systems and the various roles food and drink have historically played around the world. You’ll consider the various approaches that archaeologists use to study food and eating from a global anthropological perspective.

SOC 3170

Social Theory

This seminar explores the ways different paradigms have tried to understand power; social and cultural change; gender and other types of identity; globalization; and other big issues of the human experience.

SOC 3250

Gender, Development, and the Environment

Examine the how social development efforts and the introduction of global economic and political systems affect the lives of women in developing countries. You’ll learn how inequality affects gender relations and environmental conditions in various regions of the world.

Meet Our Faculty

Warren Wilson students are poised to learn and to expand their horizons.

Siti Kusujiarti, Ph.D.
As one of Indonesia’s “Traveling World Class Professors,” Warren Wilson College professor Siti Kusujiarti is building a collaborative research partnership with Jenderal Soedirman University faculty members.
Siti Kusujiarti, Ph.D.
Christey Carwile