My Story

I took an Introduction to Sociology course as an undergraduate and really wasn’t interested in it. In fact, I thought it was rather boring. But now I’m a professor of Sociology and I love it! This evolution is indicative of how and why systems, structures, institutions, people, identities, statuses, roles and relationships matter – in a word, why sociology matters. I earned my master’s and Ph.D from The Ohio State University and continue to learn, grow, and use my sociological imagination to examine and understand just about everything happening in my life and the world around me. I want students to join me on this journey and take whatever they can from my classes to imagine and then create a better, just, more equitable world… and I love corny jokes.


  • B.S. in Education, New Mexico State University
  • M.A. in Sociology, The Ohio State University
  • Ph.D in Sociology, The Ohio State University

Research Interests

  • Social Stratification and Inequality
  • Intersectionality (Race, Class, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Disablement)
  • Privilege and Power

Courses Taught

  • Women of Color and Feminism
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Difference and Inequality

Crews and Other Activities

  • Team Member organizing Winter Showcase
  • Developing Sociology Podcast

Contact Dr. Ortiz

Myron Boon Hall 121