My Story

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been trying to better understand human behavior. I love to explore the connections between our thoughts, perceptions, experiences, and actions. Currently, I do this through the lens of neuroscience and cognitive psychology.

Jen Mozolic
Jen Mozolic holding a brain
human brain


  • B.S. in Biology & Psychology, University of Mary Washington
  • Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Wake Forest University

Research Interests

  • Self-regulation, cognitive control, mindset, motivational framework
  • Brain development, brain health
  • Environments, experiences, interventions that support learning & well-being

Courses Taught

  • PSY 3100: Biopsychology
  • FYS 1200: Human Neuroscience: Fact, Fiction, & Future
  • PSY 3110: Sensation & Perception

Crews and Other Activities

  • Service learning with brain injury survivors
  • Community based research with Asheville City Schools Foundation
  • Psi Chi - International honor society in psychology

Contact Dr. Mozolic

(828) 771-3727
Boon 219
WWC CPO 6204

PO Box 9000

Asheville, NC 28815-9000
Download CV