My Story

My husband calls me a learning sponge, no matter what the topic I want to learn the ‘what’ and the ‘why’: the causes and relationships. Thus it was natural to me to follow a meandering path and become a teacher. As I love to learn, I am always striving to learn new approaches to teaching, new ways to infect students with a love for, or at least an understanding that they can learn, mathematics.

Gretchen Whipple
Mayuri and Gretchen Whipple
Gretchen Whipple at graduation


  • B.A. in Mathematics, Manhattanville College, Literature
  • M.S. in Mathematics, Virginia Commonwealth College
  • M.S. in Mathematics, Louisiana State University
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, Louisiana State University

Research Interests

  • Math Pedagogy
  • Math Anxiety
  • Ordered Algebraic Structures

Contact Dr. Whipple

(828) 771-3098
Spidel 207
WWC CPO 6285

PO Box 9000

Asheville, NC 28815-9000
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