My Story

Since childhood, I’ve been fascinated by the interplay between our minds, bodies, and the world around us. This curiosity fueled my diverse academic path, spanning health promotion, counseling, exercise science, and even poetry/playwriting. Ultimately, it led me to a PhD in health psychology. My research focus on LGBTQ+ health equity emerged from a deeply personal place. Witnessing the challenges faced by my own community ignited a passion for social justice and a desire to understand how societal pressures impact well-being within transgender and gender diverse populations. The inclusive culture at Wilson aligns perfectly with my fervor for championing a just and healthy world. It is my hope that the same sense of belonging I felt when I first stepped on campus resonates with every student in my classroom. Now, lace up your worn-in Doc Martens and let’s change the world together!


  • B.S. in Health Promotion, College of Charleston
  • M.A. in Counseling, Webster University
  • M.Ed. in Exercise Science, The Citadel
  • Ph.D. in Health Psychology, National University

Research Interests

  • Eating disorders among gender minorities
  • Minority stress and LGBTQ+ health
  • Food security within the sexual/gender minority community

Courses Taught

  • PSY 1000: Intro to Psychology
  • PSY 2010: Infant and Child Development
  • PSY 2040: Adolescent Development

Crews and Other Activities

  • American Psychological Association member (Div. 35, 38, 44 Affiliate)
  • Society of Behavioral Medicine member
  • Holistic Health and Wellness practitioner

Contact Dr. Bandy-Taylor

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