My Story

It’s rare for me to remember the exact moment when clarity strikes, however, the moment I was certain I wanted to be a teacher is as clear today as the summer day I was driving an Outward Bound 15-passenger van down a forest road in the Pisgah National forest. The forest was alive after a summer rain and the pride of my students was palpable as they chattered on about the backpacking expedition we just completed. I knew then that I had found my place. Since that day I’ve clarified that long-ago realization through academic study, through work as a high school history teacher, as a program director for non-profit youth programs and for many years now as a professor. Warren Wilson is a perfect match as I continue to explore and expand upon my understanding of experiential education.

Annie Jonas
Hands book
The Warren Wilson College Forest


  • B.S. in Psychology, Guilford College
  • M.Ed., Harvard University
  • Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Western Carolina University

Research Interests

  • Civic Identity Development
  • Experiential Education
  • Learning and the Brain

Crews and Other Activities

  • Engaged Faculty Scholar, NC Campus Compact
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Experiential Education

Contact Dr. Jonas

(828) 771-3013 
Mitchell A: 210
WWC CPO 6372

PO Box 9000

Asheville, NC 28815-9000
Download CV