Mark Brenner
Mark Brenner
I grew up in Wisconsin and spent most of my childhood outside playing in forests and creeks. Consequently, I knew I wanted…
Valley Aerial
Curious About Warren Wilson?
Choose a college committed to environmental responsibility, cross-cultural understanding, and the common good. • • •
Dave Ellum
Dave Ellum
As a first generation college student, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I began my college education. It didn’t take…
A student tabling talks with an interested student
Career & Internship Partners
As a Work College, we believe that the integration of work in a student’s learning experience most fully prepares our graduates for…
Smiling student
There are many ways to measure success. Professionally, of course. But what about the importance of living lives with meaning, aligned with…
Jay Roberts
I have spent my entire career, including as an undergraduate, living and working in the small, liberal arts school context. I believe…