Faculty Passthrough
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Natalya Weinstein Miller
My journey to Western North Carolina began after I graduated from the University of Massachusetts and traveled down South in search of…
Misty Field
For Counselors
Warren Wilson College’s distinctive approach to education intentionally integrates academics, work, and community engagement to cultivate curiosity, empathy, and integrity. •
Study Abroad
Do you take global issues personally? We help you build on your coursework to create bright moments and brilliant connections away from…
Valley Landscape
Our Progressive Promise
Education in Action for the Common Good Warren Wilson College is for people who want an active education. We amplify your academics…
Ben Krakauer
When I started playing banjo at fifteen I didn’t anticipate how many doors it would open. It connected me to new people,…
Robert Swoap
Robert Swoap
I grew up in the Houston area, not far from NASA. I always loved science and wanted to follow in Jane Goodall’s…
Charlotte Taylor
I am a process. I am an experimental animator and documentary filmmaker committed to finding, growing, and celebrating radical joy through community.…
Garden Produce
Food at Warren Wilson focuses on a shared sense of environmental and social responsibility. Our three campus dining locations participate in farm-to-table,…