Study Abroad
Do you take global issues personally? We help you build on your coursework to create bright moments and brilliant connections away from…
Ben Krakauer
When I started playing banjo at fifteen I didn’t anticipate how many doors it would open. It connected me to new people,…
Garden Produce
Food at Warren Wilson focuses on a shared sense of environmental and social responsibility. Our three campus dining locations participate in farm-to-table,…
Wendy Seligmann
I was drawn to Warren Wilson because of the distinctive nature of its educational program. I embrace the concept of the classroom…
Support Services for International Students
Once you enroll at Warren Wilson, our campus-wide support systems will be here when you need us. • • •
Robert Swoap
Robert Swoap
I grew up in the Houston area, not far from NASA. I always loved science and wanted to follow in Jane Goodall’s…
Faculty Member Kevin Kehrberg sits behind a instrument outside of Kitteridge.
Kevin Kehrberg
I developed my love of music when I discovered the double bass in high school and my love of learning when I…
Communications Professor Beck Banks sits at a desk with a macbook smiling
Beck Banks
When I was applying for college, Warren Wilson was my number one choice. Big problem: no communications program. I took another route.…
Aerial Landscape - Jones Mountain, Farm, and Garden
Appalachian Studies
An average student can complete a major program, but it takes rare talent to make that classwork and experience relevant — to…