Playing a fiddle
Traditional Music
Our Traditional Music program, much like Warren Wilson itself, is firmly tied to the Appalachian region. You’ll embrace change and innovation while…
Gap Year
Here at Wilson, we find that students who have taken a gap year are fearless by nature. Undaunted by hard questions, unfazed…
Old Time jam
Don’t be fooled into thinking that our bucolic valley in the mountains is sleepy! We’ve got a lot going on, and we…
students collaborate on computer
Data Science
As technology progresses, humanity has gathered increasingly larger and more complicated data sets about our lives and our world. And hidden within…
Admissions and Aid
Choose an education that not only prepares you to make a living, but inspires you to lead a well-rounded life. •
Library Resources
Request a Research Workshop for your Class Reserve the McGuire Room Reserves
The owl mascot stands in front of the homecoming barn
After WWC
Warren Wilson graduates are recognized for their curiosity, dedication, and passion for making the world a better place than they found it.…
Students in science classroom
Life and matter are partners in an endless dance of reaction and interaction. At their intersection, we see the fundamental processes that…