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Misty Field
Warren Wilson College Farm
The Warren Wilson Farm realizes the College’s philosophy of integrated work, community engagement, and academics. Our student-run, mixed-crop and livestock operation, although…
Old Time jam
Annual Events
Don’t be fooled into thinking that our bucolic valley in the mountains is sleepy! We’ve got a lot going on, and we…
Natalya Weinstein Miller
My journey to Western North Carolina began after I graduated from the University of Massachusetts and traveled down South in search of…
Study Abroad
Do you take global issues personally? We help you build on your coursework to create bright moments and brilliant connections away from…
Gap Year
Here at Wilson, we find that students who have taken a gap year are fearless by nature. Undaunted by hard questions, unfazed…
students collaborate on computer
Data Science
As technology progresses, humanity has gathered increasingly larger and more complicated data sets about our lives and our world. And hidden within…
Soccer and cape student running
Athletics & Fitness
At Warren Wilson, our student-athletes work hard in the fields and on the fields. You might go from a morning spent plowing…
New Student Programs
We are so excited to welcome you to Warren Wilson College! We are here to help you and your family through this…