a large number of Coats hanging in the Farm Office
Work Program
• • Work. Learning. In every direction you look, you’ll see students learning and working. Here, the two are integrated, because we…
The President’s Cabinet is made up of the College’s vice presidents and other select individuals.  Cabinet’s purpose is to advise the President…
Make a Gift
Use the form below to make an online gift with a credit card or debit card. If you would like to pay with a check, please mail checks to: WWC CPO 6376 P.O. Box 9000 Asheville, NC 28815
Students on Gladfelter patio
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
Sometimes the most surprising discoveries hide in plain sight, and gender is dangerously familiar — a source of freedom and a cage,…
Student in chemistry lab
What if you understood the very fabric of reality? Just as a loom weaves several threads into endless patterns, 90 atoms build…
Playing a fiddle
Traditional Music
Our Traditional Music program, much like Warren Wilson itself, is firmly tied to the Appalachian region. You’ll embrace change and innovation while…