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a house
Issue Area: Housing & Houselessness
At Warren Wilson College, our engagement in the community is focused on addressing social and environmental justice issues. We find that the…
Pets at Warren Wilson
You love your pets and so do we! That’s why you can bring your furry, feathered, or scaly friend with you to…
Designated as the wellness residence hall because of its substance-free living agreement, Wellness is equipped with a full kitchen, a lounge, a bike room, and a laundry room.
Working with kids
Issue Area: Race & Immigration
At Warren Wilson College, our engagement in the community is focused on addressing social and environmental justice issues. We find that the…
Cristina Reitz-Krueger
Cristina L. Reitz-Krueger
I took an introductory psychology course to fulfill a general education requirement in college, never thinking it would become my career. But…
Amy Boyd
Amy Boyd
My mother tells me she knew I would be a biologist from the moment I could crawl around in the grass and…