Warren Wilson College – Home
Our academic programs let you explore solutions to real-world problems. We are the only college that promises hands-on, community-engaged courses, research, and internship for every student in every major. When you graduate, you won’t say you learned how to do it. You will say you’ve done it. You Belong Here If you’ve ever had to […]
Students in class
Social Work
We are at our most human when we’re helping others. As a discipline, social work aims not just to lend a helping…
Aerial Landscape - Jones Mountain, Farm, and Garden
Appalachian Studies
An average student can complete a major program, but it takes rare talent to make that classwork and experience relevant β€” to…
Detail of tree on mural
Expressive Arts Therapy
An Alzheimer’s patient listens to music from their past and starts to form words they haven’t uttered in years. A wounded soldier…
Heavy Duty. Bubbas. Tom Lam for President. Dogwood. Sparkles & Spandex. Preston House. Doc & Dan. To Be of Use. Only you…
Ben Krakauer
When I started playing banjo at fifteen I didn’t anticipate how many doors it would open. It connected me to new people,…
Consumer Information
Gramm Leach Bliley Act Warren Wilson College complies with Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (GLB) as it pertains to financial institutions including colleges and universities. The law protects consumers or customers who obtain financial products or services to be used primarily for personal, family, or other household purposes. In order to safeguard customer financial information, the […]
Student Rips open a piΓ±ata
Intercultural Engagement
At Warren Wilson College, we are devoted to creating and upholding a culture on campus that is sustainable, and encouraging individuals to…