The Young Alumni Award, established in 2014, recognizes the outstanding achievements of those who have attended and/or graduated within 15 years prior to the current year. This award recognizes young alumni who have achieved distinction in their chosen fields, who embody the principles for which Warren Wilson College stands, and who have brought honor to the College.
2014 Morgan Williams ’08
2015 Katie Falkenberg ’03
2016 Katie Maloney ’04 and Omar Barnaby ’05
2017 Rebecca Rudicell ’05
2018 Ashley Rogers ’04
2019 Christina Vair ’05
2020 Loren Cardeli ’08
2021 Elizabeth Bonham ’11
2022 Dr. Julia Mead ’09
2023 Chloë Moore ’17
This award honors alumni who have achieved distinction in their chosen fields and who embody the principles for which the College stands, particularly the triad of study, work, and service as well as concern for the brotherhood of all people. Recipients may have been widely recognized or be leading lives of quiet service in obscure places. The award goes to alumni who have attended any of the former schools now a part of Warren Wilson College.
Previous Winners
1961 Alton F. Pfaff ’29
1963 Wells Green 1903
1964 Frank G. Scarbrough ’36
1965 Albert F. Garrou ’20
1966 Ivy G. Cowan ’19
1967 Billy Edd Wheeler ‘53
1968 Ina Fleenor Crane ’46 & ’48 and Nicholas M. Mugo ’61
1969 John C. Ager ‘35 and Arun Preededilok ’59
1971 Lucile Herrin Faile ’54
1974 Algie Sutton ’25
1977 Lee Roberts ’32
1978 Hobert L. Crites, Jr. ’56
1979 Malcolm Brown ’38
1980 Former Staff
1981 Daniel P. Starnes ‘59
1982 C.C. Graham 1912
1983 Laile K. Hampton ’40
1984 Betty J. Nelson ’62
Alton Wright ’40
Ernst R. Laursen ’49
1985 Daniel W. McMurry ’50
1986 Revis M. Frye ’36
1987 E. Jackson Allison, Jr. ’63
1990 Jara Moserova Davidova ‘48 and Joseph S. Greene ’50
1991 Harold F. McKnight ’44
1992 Jose H. Chinquin ’75 Posthumously
Laura Broad Chinquin ’76
1993 Richard R. Bellando ’59
1994 Sarah Striggles Davis ’59
Willie “Bo” Walker ’74
Ann Kennedy Wadstrom ’51
1995 George A. Baker ’54
1996 John L. Solomon ’40
1997 Joan Stonecipher Miracle ’57 & ’59
1998 Alex Brodrick ’66
1999 Enrique Ospina ’72
2000 J. Oscar McCloud ’56
2001 Steve Brannon ‘63
2002 Anne Graham Masters ‘73
2003 Bob Bowers ‘70
2004 Mark Adams ‘84
2005 Lee P. Ebner ’40
2006 Megan Davies ’84
2007 Joseph Karpati ’59 and David Briscoe ’74
2008 Anna Clyde Fraker ’53
2009 Robert Tcholakian ’56
Daniel Shungu ’65
Tony Earley ’83
2010 Dr. Steven Kane ’87
2011 Dr. Ki Sub Joung ’56 and Harry Atkins ’56
2012 Michael R. “Bob” Washel ’72
2013 Joshua Schwartz ’00
Brian Teixeira ’96
2014 Tim Deuitch ’83
2015 Christine Walshe ’01
2016 Lee Self ’57
2017 Tom Dao ’52
2018 Jesse Fripp ’94
2019 Tripp Clarke ’89
2020 Colleen Houston ’01
2021 Brownie Newman ’02
2022 Gregory Todd Wilkins ’90
2023 Val Asher ’92
This award goes to a person(s) who has demonstrated particular dedication and support of the ideals and principles of Warren Wilson College even though the person may not have had an official relationship to the College. It may be awarded to a member of its faculty, administration or supervisory staff, its Board of Trustees, National Board of Visitors, or Board of Church Visitors or Alumni would be eligible. The award is given only to a person who had dedicated his or her time, talents, or resources beyond the call of duty in the service of the College.
Previous Winners
1974 Catherine A. Owen
1975 Wallace E. Quinn
1978 Richard G. Jennings
1979 Congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Ardmore, PA
1980 All Former Staff
1981 R. Bruce McBratney
1982 Prudence Mierke
1983 Julian A. Woodcock, Jr. and G. Gordon Mahy, Jr.
1984 Gran P. Childress and Linn M. Perkins
1985 Howard E. Stanton
1987 Algie Sutton ‘25
1990 Archie D. Sutton ‘29
1990 Donald Warner
1992 Reuben A. Holden
1993 Judith Ritchie Hudson ’62
1994 Mark T. Banker ’73
Evelyn A. Jones
Elena Law
Jackie Burgin Painter
Roger and Christine Stuck ;55
Carolyn Osborne Poplett ’47 & 49
James W. G. Woollcott
Asheville Normal &Teachers College Alumnae
1995 Clyde Shuping ’59 and David C. Beebe
1998 Evelyn DeVries and Helen and Homer Jones
1999 Tom Overman ’84 and Charles Cole, Trustee
2000 Herman Hull ‘36 and Ted White ‘79
2001 John McCracken ’44
2002 Janice Hopkins Frizzell ‘52
2003 Laile Hampton ‘40
2004 Billy Edd Wheeler ‘53
2005 Helena Taylor Hanna ’55 and Kent O. Burkey ’77
2006 Terry Sybrant ’65 and ’72
2007 Tom Kilday ’73
2008 Charles Ross Hinkle ’70
2009 Fran Moffitt Whitfield ’55
2011 Beverly Ann Ohler and Ray Stock
2012 Bill Mosher and Hugh D. Verner
2013 John and Nada (’60) Cail
Buz and Marilyn Eichman
June and Mel Seifert
Bruce and Pat Willever
2014 The Congregation of the Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church and College Chapel
2015 Jim and Kay Layman
2016 Joel Adams
2017 Mark White ’78 & Erica Rawls ’03
2018 Faris Ashkar ’72
2019 William H. Christy ’79
2020 Donald R. Cooper
2021 Daleah Goodwin
2022 George “Andy” Scott ’75
2023 Rowena Manzo Pomeroy
This award granted to an alumnus/a for distinguished accomplishment in any field of community service that brings honor to the recipient. The person’s contribution need not be one in which public acclaim is emphasized but may have religious, social, or educational value. The recipient is a person who has achieved recognition among colleagues for accomplishments and service to a community.
Previous Winners
1998 Kenneth C. Childers ’63
1999 Janice Stamper ’80 and Mary Kennedy Stamper ’49
2000 Barbara Decker ’77
2001 Greta Combs ‘78
2002 Joseph A. Daprano ‘86
2003 Mickey Fuleihan Coleman ‘78
2004 Ed Seagle ‘59 and Beth Hettrick Berry ‘84
2005 Rodney Lytle ’73
2006 J. Kim Wright ’81 and Neil Kendrick ’99
2007 Matthew Wong
Claudia Nix ’69
Mike Nix ’70
2008 Karen Leigh Hassall ’86 and Samuel E. Ray ’56
2009 Michelle Cooper Stapleton ’92
2010 Pat Laursen
2011 Mark Hare ’87 and Evelyn Berry Henderson ’48
2012 A. Eugene Hileman ’56
Tom Logan ’64
Jocelyn Lai Logan ’64
2013 Nathan Ballentine ’08 and Shrawan Nepali ’89
2014 Darrel Beck ’59
2015 Sherle Stevenson Edwards ’65
2016 Amy ’00 and Jamie ’00 Ager
2017 Roger Hutchison ’94
2018 Lisa Gonzalez ’02
2019 J. Kim Wright ’81
2020 Kevin Frederick ’77
2021 Kopano Mmalane ’09
2022 Marjorie Lockett Stewart ’73
2023 Janice Stamper ’80

Alumni Profile
Ashley Rogers ’04 was the recipient of the 2018 Young Alumni Award. She is currently the Executive Director of the Whitney Plantation, one of the first plantation museums to tell the story of the people enslaved there rather than the owners who enslaved them. Ashley works to make the Whitney Plantation in Wallace, Louisiana, a place that encourages visitors to understand the wider context of slavery. Her interest in enslaved peoples narratives started when she was a child and further developed at Warren Wilson College, where she first completed original research on slavery and strengthened her fight to keep historical truths at the forefront of the narratives being told.