Choose a subject below to expand the list of available databases.
A scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
Provides a simple way to search for scholarly literature from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, etc. You can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions.
JSTOR – The Scholarly Journal Archive
Provides complete archives of core scholarly journals, many of which date from the 1800s (and some
earlier), covering a wide range of disciplines in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. The most recent issues of journals are typically not included (usually, there is a 2-5 year gap). Also includes over 30,000 ebooks.General reference magazines and publications covering a wide-range of subject areas including business, health, education, general science and multicultural issues. Includes news, newswires, and videos.
A large multi-purpose full-text resource of magazines, journals and newspapers, including peer-reviewed and scholarly works. ProQuest Central compiles a wide variety of ProQuest databases covering many subjects in one central platform.
Provides indexing and full-text access for over 2,500 journals in health and life sciences, physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and a small number in arts and humanities.
SpringerLink All-Americas Package
A large collection of around 1,800 full-text and pdf-image academic journals covering the sciences, health and medicine, mathematics, and social and behavioral sciences. Most titles provide coverage from 1997 to the present.
Wiley Online Library Journal Collection
Includes nearly 1,400 leading academic journal titles covering the life, health and physical sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Coverage for most titles from 1997.
Over 3,000 full-text books covering a wide range of subject areas. Includes the series Daily Life Through History, Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Authors, Historic Events of the 20th Century, and Literature in Context.
Over 1,700 high-quality titles in the humanities (mostly history).
Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)
This collection of documents is a a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Series I. Evans is “the definitive resource for information about every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America.”
Over 80,000 electronic books, covering a wide range of subjects.
• Note: This is the collection previously known as Ebrary.
The “Academic Complete” collection provides over 70,000 ebooks from dozens of trusted academic publishers, covering a wide variety of subject areas. Books may be downloaded onto multiple devices.
Includes Literature Resource Center, Literature Criticism Online (inc. Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism), Scribner’s Writers, Twayne’s Authors, and literature titles from Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
A collection of over 1,200 electronic reference books covering a wide range of topics.
Downloadable audiobooks and ebooks on a variety of topics, including language learning, history, biography, classic literature, and more. Compatible with all popular e-readers that support apps. An app is available for download. Users will need to make a personal account to use this resource.
After you enter your email and create a password, you need to select your library. In this case, it’s NC LIVE. So, if you don’t see NC LIVE as an option, just type it in: NC(space)LIVE, and it will appear. Once you select that, you will have to enter a library card number: just enter any number you want and append NC to it. For example, 12345NC
Over 30,000 quality titles covering the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. For best results, narrow the “Item Type” to books.
NC LIVE Home Grown eBook Collection
More than 1,200 eBooks from a variety of North Carolina publishers, including UNC Press, Algonquin, and McFarland. Includes popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mysteries, etc.), and award-winning short fiction and poetry. Books can easily be read online or downloaded to a variety of devices.
A downloadable eBook collection of fiction, nonfiction, textbooks, etc. Create a username and password to borrow up to five books at a time.
Downloadable audio and e-books. Use the Libby app to request titles we don’t have.
5,000 academic titles covering a wide range of disciplines, such as mathematics, physics, life sciences, chemistry, environmental science, and many of the social sciences.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
Brings together books, images, documents, scholarly essays, commentaries, and bibliographies, documenting the multiplicity of women’s reform activities.
Books, pamphlets, images, and manuscript resources from the Harvard University Library covering work life for women during this period.
Biographical information on more than one million people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
In-depth profiles from Current Biography and World Authors, the periodical coverage of Biography Index, and specialist content from Junior Authors & Illustrators.
Offers a comprehensive collection of more than 450,000 biographies, including the complete run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine.
Chicago Manual of Style Online
The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to writing and citation styles, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format.
Popular collection of product reviews and recommendations for cars, appliances, electronics, personal finance, health information, and more.
General reference and resource discovery tool that provides access to hundreds of subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographical information, images, bibliographies, and links to journal articles, books, and online sources.
Includes Literature Resource Center, Literature Criticism Online (inc. Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism), Scribner’s Writers, Twayne’s Authors, and literature titles from Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry
Contains 250,000 poems in full text and 450,000 citations. The poems in full text are the most widely-read in the English language, as well as in Spanish, French, German, and Italian. Included also is poetry in Portuguese, Polish, Yiddish, Welsh, Gaelic, and other Celtic languages, as well as poems in the ancient languages: Anglo-Saxon, Provencal and Latin. There are numerous commentaries on individual poems as well as biographies of leading poets.
Reference and research tool providing instant, real-time access to accurate, in-depth information on 24 million U.S. businesses and 235 million U.S. residents. Data-Axle makes it faster and easier to find new business opportunities, research executives and companies, find news articles, conduct job searches, research papers, locate addresses and phone numbers, conduct market research and much more. Formerly known as ReferenceUSA.
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center
A comprehensive resource that enables users to explore industries and careers, plan their education, and research best practices for résumés, cover letters, interviewing, networking, and salaries/benefits.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
A collection of over 1,200 electronic reference books covering a wide range of topics.
Information on more than two million plant specimens. High-resolution images of herbarium specimens accompany each entry; the object viewer allows subscribers to zoom in and take measurements of a specimen. Each entry provides links to relevant journal and book references. Users can save information in a personal profile, MyPlants.
Research materials for tracing family history and American culture. Contains original page images for all documents, over 25,000 books, the entire U.S. Federal Census, and other expanding collections.
Historical Statistics of the United States
Quantitative facts of American history. The fully searchable and downloadable electronic edition permits users to graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets. Tables include full documentation, sources, and footnotes.
International Historical Statistics, 1750-2010
Provides key economic and social indicators for the last 260 years.
LearningExpress Library Complete & PrepSTEP Academic
Practice tests, interactive tutorials, and ebooks for student adult learners. Includes practice tests such as GED, GRE, SAT, TEAS, and supports those looking to improve core academic skills, pass a high school equivalency test, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more.
Literary Reference Center Plus
Information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and time frames. Includes book reviews, classic and contemporary poems and short stories, author interviews, more than 8,200 classic texts, and several full-length literary reference works.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Comprehensive information on mutual funds and stocks.
National Geographic Magazine Archive
The complete archive of the magazine to the mid-1990s, including every page and every photograph, all fully searchable through an intuitive interface, from 1888-1994.
Profiles for hundreds of occupations including sections like What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more. Each profile also includes Bureau of Labor Statistics employment projections for the 2010-2020 decade.
Oxford English Dictionary Online
The accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. A guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources.
A gateway to excellent music reference sources, including Grove Music Online, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, and The Oxford Companion to Music.
A compilation of more than 14,000 surveys conducted by more than 700 polling organizations in the United States and more than 80 other countries from 1986 to the present.
Reference Shelf provides balanced coverage, supported by comprehensive background information, on topics of vital interest to students and researchers. Each volume contains 35-45 notable documents and articles (complete or abstracted) from highly respected periodicals and media outlets. In addition, the Preface introduces the reader to the topic and 5-6 chapters within the text provide readers with thoughtful guidance on how to approach a particular aspect of the topic. A bibliography, index and important websites enhance further research.
Provides access to 11,173 large-scale maps of 158 North Carolina towns and cities. Users can easily manipulate the maps and compare maps from different years (from 1867-1970). These maps are valuable historical tools for urban specialists, social historians, architects, geographers, genealogists, local historians, planners, environmentalists and anyone who wants to learn about the history, growth, and development of American cities, towns, and neighborhoods.
Includes SIRS Issues Researcher, SIRS Government Reporter, and SIRS Renaissance. Focuses on pros/cons of current issues, government documents, Supreme Court decisions, and more.
Visualization and data-mapping tool with hundreds of thousands of data indicators across demography, economy, health, education, religion, crime and more.
192 country profiles cover every important area: political parties and leaders, population, economics, climate, natural resources, military capabilities, education and legal systems, culture and communications, health and environment, and international affairs. Includes coverage of world events, biographies of key figures, and special profiles of regions, states, and cities.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
Descriptions of historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. Types of materials include birth and death records, ship logs, cemetery records, and more.
Biographical information on more than one million people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
Offers a comprehensive collection of more than 450,000 biographies, including the complete run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine.
Chicago Manual of Style Online
The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to writing and citation styles, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format.
Chronicle of Higher Education Online
News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. The Chronicle’s Web site features the complete contents of the latest print issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; articles published since September 1989; discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV’s, salary databases, and more.
A good place to begin research on current topics. The weekly publication covers the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, full-text articles, pros and cons, and more. Users may browse through articles in the current issue or search for past articles using words, dates or other criteria.
Reference and research tool providing instant, real-time access to accurate, in-depth information on 24 million U.S. businesses and 235 million U.S. residents. Data-Axle makes it faster and easier to find new business opportunities, research executives and companies, find news articles, conduct job searches, research papers, locate addresses and phone numbers, conduct market research and much more. Formerly known as ReferenceUSA.
Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)
This collection of documents is a a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Series I. Evans is “the definitive resource for information about every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America.”
Early Encounters in North America
Primary documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, etc.) providing early accounts of North American exploration and discovery. Includes perspectives from Native Americans, Europeans, Americans, and Africans. Also covers the environment of early North America (e.g., prints and illustrations of fauna and flora).
Fully searchable, cover to cover page images of the magazine, from issue #1 in 1936 to 05/01/2000.
North American Women’s Letters & Diaries
Includes the immediate experiences of 442 women, as revealed in approximately 50,000 pages of diaries and letters spanning more than 300 years. The collection includes one of the most comprehensive bibliographies of women’s diaries and letters yet published. Also includes more than 1,500 biographies.
North Carolina Periodicals Index
Provides access to selected articles in over 40 periodicals published in NC, many of which are not indexed elsewhere. Coverage for most titles began in 1992; includes abstracts.
Index of papers included in every congress, conference, exposition, workshop, symposium, and meeting received at The British Library.
Points of View Reference Center
Designed to assist researchers in understanding the full scope of controversial subjects. Useful as a guide for debate, developing arguments, writing position papers, and for development of critical thinking skills.
A compilation of more than 14,000 surveys conducted by more than 700 polling organizations in the United States and more than 80 other countries from 1986 to the present.
Citations of every congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received at The British Library.
Readers’ Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982
One of the classic reference sources providing coverage of mainstream magazines goes online, offering full coverage of the original paper volumes, providing indexing of over three million articles from more than 550 leading magazines.
Reference Shelf provides balanced coverage, supported by comprehensive background information, on topics of vital interest to students and researchers. Each volume contains 35-45 notable documents and articles (complete or abstracted) from highly respected periodicals and media outlets. In addition, the Preface introduces the reader to the topic and 5-6 chapters within the text provide readers with thoughtful guidance on how to approach a particular aspect of the topic. A bibliography, index and important websites enhance further research.
Provides access to 11,173 large-scale maps of 158 North Carolina towns and cities. Users can easily manipulate the maps and compare maps from different years (from 1867-1970). These maps are valuable historical tools for urban specialists, social historians, architects, geographers, genealogists, local historians, planners, environmentalists and anyone who wants to learn about the history, growth, and development of American cities, towns, and neighborhoods.
Designed specifically for elementary and middle school students, SIRS Discoverer offers articles, nonfiction books, images, activities, and websites curated for educational relevance, age appropriateness, and readability.
Research the pros and cons of current issues and enduring social issues through full-text articles, multimedia, primary sources, government documents and reference materials.
Vibrant photos and articles take a dynamic approach in exploring modern and historic perspectives covering history, science, nature, the arts, travel, world culture and technology. The archive covers from April 1970 – December 2010 and includes complete issues from that time period. (Note: other databases offer coverage of current issues).
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
Fully searchable, cover to cover page images of the magazine, from issue #1 in 1923 to 12/26/2000.
Catalog of several million books, serials, audiovisual media, maps, archives/manuscripts, scores, and computer files owned by libraries around the world. Requests for materials not available at WWC can be made here.
WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
A subset of the larger WorldCat database that includes records for all cataloged dissertations, theses and published material based on theses and dissertations.
Over 1,700 high-quality titles in the humanities (mostly history).
Includes Literature Resource Center, Literature Criticism Online (inc. Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism), Scribner’s Writers, Twayne’s Authors, and literature titles from Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Provides full-text coverage of 380 periodicals and more than 220 books. Includes an Image Collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others.
A repository of approximately 300,000 images covering art, architecture and archeology. The collections cover a wide variety of civilizations, time-periods, and media. ARTstor’s software tools support a wide range of pedagogical and research uses including: viewing and analyzing images through features such as zooming and panning, saving groups of images online for personal or shared uses, and creating and delivering presentations both online and offline.
Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)
This collection of documents is a a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Series I. Evans is “the definitive resource for information about every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America.”
Early Encounters in North America
Primary documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, etc.) providing early accounts of North American exploration and discovery. Includes perspectives from Native Americans, Europeans, Americans, and Africans. Also covers the environment of early North America (e.g., prints and illustrations of fauna and flora).
Historical Statistics of the United States
Quantitative facts of American history. The fully searchable and downloadable electronic edition permits users to graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets. Tables include full documentation, sources, and footnotes.
Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984
Provides indexing for important humanities-related content from nearly 800 periodicals. Includes complete coverage of the following print indexes: International Index: 18 volumes, 1907 – March 1965; Social Sciences & Humanities Index: 9 volumes, April 1965–March 1974; Humanities Index: 10 volumes, April 1974 — March 1984.
North American Women’s Letters & Diaries
Includes the immediate experiences of 442 women, as revealed in approximately 50,000 pages of diaries and letters spanning more than 300 years. The collection includes one of the most comprehensive bibliographies of women’s diaries and letters yet published. Also includes more than 1,500 biographies.
A gateway to excellent music reference sources, including Grove Music Online, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, and The Oxford Companion to Music.
Coverage of religious affairs and religious thinking from top periodicals in the field. Includes the full text of almost 100 journals.
Wiley Online Library Journal Collection
Includes nearly 1,400 leading academic journal titles covering the life, health and physical sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Coverage for most titles from 1997.
Business research from journals, trade publications, market research reports, dissertations, and working papers.
Provides access to abstracts and indexing for thousands of titles, plus searchable full text for more than 8,800 business periodicals.
Reference and research tool providing instant, real-time access to accurate, in-depth information on 24 million U.S. businesses and 235 million U.S. residents. Data-Axle makes it faster and easier to find new business opportunities, research executives and companies, find news articles, conduct job searches, research papers, locate addresses and phone numbers, conduct market research and much more. Formerly known as ReferenceUSA.
Information for entrepreneurs and researchers that includes business start-up plans, video clips, journals, business cases, and more.
Entrepreneurial Studies Source
Provides the latest insight into topics relevant to entrepreneurship and small business, with information from periodicals, reference books, case studies, thousands of company profiles and over 600 videos with transcripts and related articles from the Harvard Faculty Series and Vator.TV.
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center
A comprehensive resource that enables users to explore industries and careers, plan their education, and research best practices for résumés, cover letters, interviewing, networking, and salaries/benefits.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Comprehensive information on mutual funds and stocks.
Business and financial news coverage, personal and company profiles, feature reporting, special reports, and regular columns.
News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. The Chronicle’s Web site features the complete contents of the latest print issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; articles published since September 1989; discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV’s, salary databases, and more.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
Contains citations and abstracts of the international journal and report literature in education and related fields. Sources include more than 980 journals, educational reports, project descriptions, curriculum guides, and dissertations, with links to many full-text documents.
LearningExpress Library Complete & PrepSTEP Academic
Practice tests, interactive tutorials, and ebooks for student adult learners. Includes practice tests such as GED, GRE, SAT, TEAS, and supports those looking to improve core academic skills, pass a high school equivalency test, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more.
LISTA: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
An international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists.
Designed specifically for elementary and middle school students, SIRS Discoverer offers articles, nonfiction books, images, activities, and websites curated for educational relevance, age appropriateness, and readability.
Indexes titles from the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals, and books.
Articles that synthesize the primary research literature in 43 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. Our coverage extends back to 1996.
Full-text nursing and allied health journals with additional materials that include nursing dissertations, conference proceedings, evidence-based care sheets, audiovisuals, and continuing education modules.
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Provides consumer oriented information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Provides more than 400 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Includes Stedman’s Medical Dictionary.
The full-text article database from the American Psychological Association. Includes the full text of around 80 journals and provides access to the full run of each journal from v. 1 to the present.
The standard resource for professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines. Provides abstracts for journals, books and dissertations. Covers around 2,500 journals dating back to the 1800s.
A bibliographic database from the National Library of Medicine that contains references to journal articles in the life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine. The database contains citations from 1950 to the present, with some older material. PubMed Central is the free full-text subset of PubMed.
An archive of full-text biomedical and life sciences journal literature. PubMed Central is a subset of the larger PubMed citation and abstract database.
Provides indexing and full-text access for over 2,500 journals in health and life sciences, physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and a small number in arts and humanities.
SpringerLink All-Americas Package
A large collection of around 1,800 full-text and pdf-image academic journals covering the sciences, health and medicine, mathematics, and social and behavioral sciences. Most titles provide coverage from 1997 to the present.
Over 1,700 high-quality titles in the humanities (mostly history).
African American Newspapers Series 1, 1827-1998
Provides full-image articles from approximately 270 U.S. newspapers from more than 35 states, chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience.
Covers the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Together with Historical Abstracts, these are the best and most complete history indexes we have; citations include abstracts.
American Civil War: Letters & Diaries
Almost 100,000 pages of primary materials, including memoirs, letters and diaries.
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America
Explore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from the earliest contact with European settlers up to documents covering the turbulence of the American Civil War, the on-going repercussions of government legislation, the civil rights movement of the mid- to late-twentieth century, and more. Includes a wide range of rare and original documents from treaties, speeches and diaries, to historic maps and travel journals. This resource contains material from the Newberry Library’s extensive Edward E. Ayer Collection; one of the strongest archival collections on American Indian history in the world.
Descriptions of historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. Types of materials include birth and death records, ship logs, cemetery records, and more.
Biographical information on more than one million people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
In-depth profiles from Current Biography and World Authors, the periodical coverage of Biography Index, and specialist content from Junior Authors & Illustrators.
Offers a comprehensive collection of more than 450,000 biographies, including the complete run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
This Library of Congress site provides access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages. Full text images of newspapers cover from 1836-1922. The site also includes a newspaper directory, covering 1690-present. See http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/about/ for more info.
Civil Rights and Social Justice
HeinOnline’s Civil Rights and Social Justice database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States. Contains hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights.
Explore the history and culture of North Carolina through original materials from cultural heritage repositories across the state. Includes newspapers, yearbooks, city directories, etc.
Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)
This collection of documents is a a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Series I. Evans is “the definitive resource for information about every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America.”
Early American Newspapers, Series I (1690-1876)
More than 700 historical American newspapers from 23 states and the District of Columbia, offering over a million and a half fully searchable page images from the original papers.
Early Encounters in North America
Primary documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, etc.) providing early accounts of North American exploration and discovery. Includes perspectives from Native Americans, Europeans, Americans, and Africans. Also covers the environment of early North America (e.g., prints and illustrations of fauna and flora).
European Views of the Americas
Created from European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750, the authoritative bibliography respected by scholars worldwide. A comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples.
Federal Surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984
Part of Gale Publishing’s “Archives Unbound.” Black Americans of all political persuasions were subject to federal scrutiny, harassment, and prosecution. A perusal of FBI case files for this period persuasively argues that black activism was one of the major preoccupations and targets of the federal investigatory network.
HeinOnline Academic focuses on legal and government information, containing more than 80 million pages of content and providing access to 300+ years of information on political development and legal systems around the world. In addition to a large collection of journals, the database also contains the Congressional Record bound volumes in entirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations from inception, the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, and much more. The legal research service provides subscribers access to a wide array of case law at the federal and state levels and enables users to access the full text of cases.
Research materials for tracing family history and American culture. Contains original page images for all documents, over 25,000 books, the entire U.S. Federal Census, and more.
Historical Statistics of the United States
Quantitative facts of American history. The fully searchable and downloadable electronic edition permits users to graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets. Tables include full documentation, sources, and footnotes.
Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984
Provides indexing for important humanities-related content from nearly 800 periodicals. Includes complete coverage of the following print indexes: International Index: 18 volumes, 1907 – March 1965; Social Sciences & Humanities Index: 9 volumes, April 1965–March 1974; Humanities Index: 10 volumes, April 1974 — March 1984.
International Historical Statistics (1750-2010)
Provides key economic and social indicators for the last 260 years.
Mountain People: Life and Culture in Appalachia
Part of Gale Publishing’s “Archives Unbound.” Interweaving social, political, environmental, economic, and popular history, this collection chronicles the Appalachian past. Along the way, it explores Appalachia’s contradictory images that have shaped perceptions of the region as both the essence of America and a place apart. Throughout the collection, a wide range of Appalachian voices enlivens the analysis and reminds us of the importance of storytelling in the ways the people of Appalachia define themselves and their region.
National Geographic Magazine Archive
The complete archive of the magazine to the mid-1990s, including every page and every photograph, all fully searchable through an intuitive interface, from 1888-1994.
North American Women’s Letters & Diaries
Includes the immediate experiences of 442 women, as revealed in approximately 50,000 pages of diaries and letters spanning more than 300 years. The collection includes one of the most comprehensive bibliographies of women’s diaries and letters yet published. Also includes more than 1,500 biographies.
Includes full page images from student and community newspapers from schools and towns around North Carolina, dating back to 1824.
Readers’ Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982
One of the classic reference sources providing coverage of mainstream magazines goes online, offering full coverage of the original paper volumes, providing indexing of over three million articles from more than 550 leading magazines.
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive
More than five million cross-searchable pages sourced from books, pamphlets, newspapers, periodicals, legal documents, court records, monographs, manuscripts and maps from multiple countries.
Vibrant photos and articles take a dynamic approach in exploring modern and historic perspectives covering history, science, nature, the arts, travel, world culture and technology. The archive covers from April 1970 – December 2010 and includes complete issues from that time period. (Note: other databases offer coverage of current issues).
Fully searchable, cover to cover page images of the magazine, from issue #1 in 1923 to 12/26/2000.
Times (London) Digital Archive: 1785-2011
Online, full-text facsimile of more than 200 years of The Times, one of the most highly regarded resources for the 19th – 20th Century history detailing every complete page of every issue from 1785.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
Brings together books, images, documents, scholarly essays, commentaries, and bibliographies, documenting the multiplicity of women’s reform activities.
Books, pamphlets, images, and manuscript resources from the Harvard University Library covering work life for women during this period.
Online language-learning system that can help you learn languages like Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian, Russian and more. There are also several ESL modules. You first need to register a personal account to use Mango. Go to “Create a Profile” and enter your email address and make up a password. Then, you are all set and can use Mango on campus or off campus.
Transparent Language Online provides a fun, effective, and engaging experience for learners of all levels looking to build their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a foreign language. It combines robust courses, supplemental vocabulary, extensive grammar resources, and mobile apps, with over 110 languages to choose from, including English for speakers of over 30 languages.
African-American Poetry (1750-1900)
Nearly 3,000 poems written by African-American poets in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Over 40,000 poems by more than 200 American poets from the Colonial Period to the early twentieth century.
Includes Literature Resource Center, Literature Criticism Online (inc. Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism), Scribner’s Writers, Twayne’s Authors, and literature titles from Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry
Contains 250,000 poems in full text and 450,000 citations. The poems in full text are the most widely-read in the English language, as well as in Spanish, French, German, and Italian. Included also is poetry in Portuguese, Polish, Yiddish, Welsh, Gaelic, and other Celtic languages, as well as poems in the ancient languages: Anglo-Saxon, Provencal and Latin. There are numerous commentaries on individual poems as well as biographies of leading poets.
Essentially the complete English poetic canon from 600 to 1900. Over 165,000 poems by more than 1,250 poets drawn from nearly 4,500 printed sources.
A collection of some of the most influential poets of the twentieth century, covering the seventy year history of this major publishing house. The Faber list includes Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney, T. S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath.
Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984
Provides indexing for important humanities-related content from nearly 800 periodicals. Includes complete coverage of the following print indexes: International Index: 18 volumes, 1907 – March 1965; Social Sciences & Humanities Index: 9 volumes, April 1965–March 1974; Humanities Index: 10 volumes, April 1974 — March 1984.
Literary Reference Center Plus
Information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and time frames. Includes book reviews, classic and contemporary poems and short stories, author interviews, more than 8,200 classic texts, and several full-length literary reference works.
A tool for finding recommendations for fiction, nonfiction, and audiobooks.
20th Century African-American Poetry
Poetry written by the most important and influential African American poets of the twentieth century. Presently includes over 6,000 poems from over 100 complete editions by 46 poets.
Modern and contemporary American poetry from the early twentieth century to the present. Presently includes 36,000 poems drawn from 460 volumes by 217 poets.
Provides an overview of poetry written in the 20th century by both established and emerging writers.
African American Newspapers Series 1, 1827-1998
Provides full-image articles from approximately 270 U.S. newspapers from more than 35 states, chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience.
Chronicle of Higher Education Online
News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. The Chronicle’s Web site features the complete contents of the latest print issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; articles published since September 1989; discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV’s, salary databases, and more.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
This Library of Congress site provides access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages. Full text images of newspapers cover from 1836-1922. The site also includes a newspaper directory, covering 1690-present. See http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/about/ for more info.
E & E (Environment & Energy) Publishing
Daily coverage of environmental and energy policy and markets. E&E’s five daily online publications are considered “must-reads” by people who track and influence energy, environmental and climate policy. The entire site can be searched at once, or users can browse the individual sections: EnergyWire, ClimateWire, E & E Daily, GreenWire, E & E NewsPM, E & E TV, and Reports.
Early American Newspapers, Series I (1690-1876)
More than 700 historical American newspapers from 23 states and the District of Columbia, offering over a million and a half fully searchable page images from the original papers.
Nexis Uni (LexisNexis Academic)
Newspapers (US and international), legal cases and law reviews, and company profiles. Users can search those categories separately or search the entire database at once. “Research Guides” are available to assist with search questions.
Fully searchable, cover to cover page images of the magazine, from issue #1 in 1936 to 05/01/2000.
New York Times (1980 – present)
Fully searchable full text.
Warren Wilson has an academic site license to The New York Times web site. This “Group Pass” gives you unlimited access to all content on the site, with the exception of a limitation on the number of articles you can view from the archive period 1923-1980. (Access includes the archives dating back to 1851 with limited access of 5 article downloads per day during 1923-1980.) All content outside of 1923-1980 is unlimited.
To activate a one-year license to the site, please READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS.
Newspapers.com North Carolina Collection
3.5 million pages of digitized historical content from over 1,000 NC newspapers, including many from Asheville and western NC.
Provides cover-to-cover full text for 149 national & international newspapers and selective full text for more than 410 U.S newspapers. Associated Press (AP) and United Press International (UPI) stories are also included. In addition, full-text television & radio news transcripts are provided from CBS News, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, National Public Radio (NPR), etc.
Nineteenth Century US Newspapers
Full text, searchable collection features publications of all kinds, from the political party newspapers at the beginning of the nineteenth century to the mammoth dailies that shaped the nation at the century’s end.
Includes full page images from student and community newspapers from schools and towns around North Carolina, dating back to 1824.
Fully searchable, cover to cover page images of the magazine, from issue #1 in 1923 to 12/26/2000.
Times (London) Digital Archive: 1785-2011
Online, full-text facsimile of more than 200 years of The Times, one of the most highly regarded resources for the 19th – 20th Century history detailing every complete page of every issue from 1785.
Business and financial news coverage, personal and company profiles, feature reporting, special reports, and regular columns.
African American Newspapers Series 1, 1827-1998
Provides full-image articles from approximately 270 U.S. newspapers from more than 35 states, chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience.
American Civil War: Letters & Diaries
Almost 100,000 pages of primary materials, including memoirs, letters and diaries.
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America
Explore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from the earliest contact with European settlers up to documents covering the turbulence of the American Civil War, the on-going repercussions of government legislation, the civil rights movement of the mid- to late-twentieth century, and more. Includes a wide range of rare and original documents from treaties, speeches and diaries, to historic maps and travel journals. This resource contains material from the Newberry Library’s extensive Edward E. Ayer Collection; one of the strongest archival collections on American Indian history in the world.
Descriptions of historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. Types of materials include birth and death records, ship logs, cemetery records, and more.
Archives of Sexuality and Gender
The largest collection available in support of the study of gender and sexuality, enables scholars to make new connections in LGBTQ history and activism, cultural studies, psychology, health, political science, policy studies, and other related areas of research.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
This Library of Congress site provides access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages. Full text images of newspapers cover from 1836-1922. The site also includes a newspaper directory, covering 1690-present. See http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/about/ for more info.
Civil Rights and Social Justice
HeinOnline’s Civil Rights and Social Justice database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States. Contains hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights.
Provides online access to archival and historical materials related to the culture of the southern and central Appalachian region. The contents of the DLA are drawn from special collections of Appalachian College Association member libraries, including appalachian music recordings from WWC.
Explore the history and culture of North Carolina through original materials from cultural heritage repositories across the state. Includes newspapers, yearbooks, city directories, etc.
Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)
This collection of documents is a a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Series I. Evans is “the definitive resource for information about every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America.”
Early American Newspapers, Series I (1690-1876)
More than 700 historical American newspapers from 23 states and the District of Columbia, offering over a million and a half fully searchable page images from the original papers.
Early Encounters in North America
Primary documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, etc.) providing early accounts of North American exploration and discovery. Includes perspectives from Native Americans, Europeans, Americans, and Africans. Also covers the environment of early North America (e.g., prints and illustrations of fauna and flora).
European Views of the Americas
Created from European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750, the authoritative bibliography respected by scholars worldwide. A comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples.
Federal Surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984
Part of Gale Publishing’s “Archives Unbound.” Black Americans of all political persuasions were subject to federal scrutiny, harassment, and prosecution. A perusal of FBI case files for this period persuasively argues that black activism was one of the major preoccupations and targets of the federal investigatory network.
Global Plants (from JSTOR)
Information on more than two million plant specimens. High-resolution images of herbarium specimens accompany each entry; the object viewer allows subscribers to zoom in and take measurements of a specimen. Each entry provides links to relevant journal and book references. Users can save information in a personal profile, MyPlants.
HeinOnline Academic focuses on legal and government information, containing more than 80 million pages of content and providing access to 300+ years of information on political development and legal systems around the world. In addition to a large collection of journals, the database also contains the Congressional Record bound volumes in entirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations from inception, the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, and much more. The legal research service provides subscribers access to a wide array of case law at the federal and state levels and enables users to access the full text of cases.
Research materials for tracing family history and American culture. Contains original page images for all documents, over 25,000 books, the entire U.S. Federal Census, and more.
Mountain People: Life and Culture in Appalachia
Part of Gale Publishing’s “Archives Unbound.” Interweaving social, political, environmental, economic, and popular history, this collection chronicles the Appalachian past. Along the way, it explores Appalachia’s contradictory images that have shaped perceptions of the region as both the essence of America and a place apart. Throughout the collection, a wide range of Appalachian voices enlivens the analysis and reminds us of the importance of storytelling in the ways the people of Appalachia define themselves and their region.
North American Women’s Letters & Diaries
Includes the immediate experiences of 442 women, as revealed in approximately 50,000 pages of diaries and letters spanning more than 300 years. The collection includes one of the most comprehensive bibliographies of women’s diaries and letters yet published. Also includes more than 1,500 biographies.
Includes full page images from student and community newspapers from schools and towns around North Carolina, dating back to 1824.
Provides access to 11,173 large-scale maps of 158 North Carolina towns and cities. Users can easily manipulate the maps and compare maps from different years (from 1867-1970). These maps are valuable historical tools for urban specialists, social historians, architects, geographers, genealogists, local historians, planners, environmentalists and anyone who wants to learn about the history, growth, and development of American cities, towns, and neighborhoods.
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive
More than five million cross-searchable pages sourced from books, pamphlets, newspapers, periodicals, legal documents, court records, monographs, manuscripts and maps from multiple countries.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
Brings together books, images, documents, scholarly essays, commentaries, and bibliographies, documenting the multiplicity of women’s reform activities.
Books, pamphlets, images, and manuscript resources from the Harvard University Library covering work life for women during this period.
Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984
Provides indexing for important humanities-related content from nearly 800 periodicals. Includes complete coverage of the following print indexes: International Index: 18 volumes, 1907 – March 1965; Social Sciences & Humanities Index: 9 volumes, April 1965–March 1974; Humanities Index: 10 volumes, April 1974 — March 1984.
Coverage of religious affairs and religious thinking from top periodicals in the field. Includes the full text of almost 100 journals.
Indexes journals, USDA publications, state agricultural experiment station and extension services documents, FAO publications, foreign documents, conference proceedings, books, and audio-visual materials covering agriculture and related subjects.
Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
Articles plus searchable charts, figures, graphs, maps, photographs and tables representing all major environment topics. Includes AGRICOLA, TOXLINE, ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) databases.
Covers April/May 1986 – December 2010/January 2011 and includes complete issues from that time period. Encompasses every era of aviation and space exploration.
Articles that synthesize the primary research literature in 43 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. Our coverage extends back to 1996.
A leading reference database in the life sciences, providing abstracts to over 4,000 journals. The backfile of Biological Abstracts, covering 1926-2011, was made possible by a donation from the Dorothy and Willis Eggler Fund, which provides funding for journal resources in biology.
A full-text aggregation of bioscience research journals focusing on the biological, ecological and environmental sciences. Our subscription is made possible by the Dorothy and Willis Eggler Fund, which provides funding for journal resources in biology.
E & E (Environment & Energy) Publishing
Daily coverage of environmental and energy policy and markets. E&E’s five daily online publications are considered “must-reads” by people who track and influence energy, environmental and climate policy. The entire site can be searched at once, or users can browse the individual sections: EnergyWire, ClimateWire, E & E Daily, GreenWire, E & E NewsPM, E & E TV, and Reports.
Early Encounters in North America
Primary documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, etc.) providing early accounts of North American exploration and discovery. Includes perspectives from Native Americans, Europeans, Americans, and Africans. Also covers the environment of early North America (e.g., prints and illustrations of fauna and flora).
Coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. Contains full text for more than 920 journals, such as Environment (back to 1975), Ecologist, Conservation Biology, etc.
Global Plants (from JSTOR)
Information on more than two million plant specimens. High-resolution images of herbarium specimens accompany each entry; the object viewer allows subscribers to zoom in and take measurements of a specimen. Each entry provides links to relevant journal and book references. Users can save information in a personal profile, MyPlants.
Offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records.
Provides a large suite of content from Nature Publishing, including access to the journal Nature, from the current issue back to the first issue in 1869, as well as access to the Scientific American archive back to the first issue in 1845. Also includes the 2,500 issues in the Supplement and Builders Collections.
In all, provides online access to more than 80 journals, including all archived content, incorporating a wide variety of titles across the life, physical and clinical sciences.
A bibliographic database from the National Library of Medicine that contains references to journal articles in the life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine. The database contains citations from 1950 to the present, with some older material. PubMed Central is the free full-text subset of PubMed.
An archive of full-text biomedical and life sciences journal literature. PubMed Central is a subset of the larger PubMed citation and abstract database.
Provides access to 11,173 large-scale maps of 158 North Carolina towns and cities. Users can easily manipulate the maps and compare maps from different years (from 1867-1970). These maps are valuable historical tools for urban specialists, social historians, architects, geographers, genealogists, local historians, planners, environmentalists and anyone who wants to learn about the history, growth, and development of American cities, towns, and neighborhoods.
Indexing and full-text access for over 2,500 journals in health and life sciences, physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and a small number in arts and humanities.
Scientific American Magazine Archive, 1948-2005
A long-running premier magazine of scientific discovery and technological innovation for the general public. Readers turn to it for a deep understanding of how science and technology can influence human affairs and illuminate the natural world. (Note: other databases offer coverage of current issues).
Vibrant photos and articles take a dynamic approach in exploring modern and historic perspectives covering history, science, nature, the arts, travel, world culture and technology. The archive covers from April 1970 – December 2010 and includes complete issues from that time period. (Note: other databases offer coverage of current issues).
SpringerLink All-Americas Package
A large collection of around 1,800 full-text and pdf-image academic journals covering the sciences, health and medicine, mathematics, and social and behavioral sciences. Most titles provide coverage from 1997 to the present.
Wiley Online Library Journal Collection
Includes nearly 1,400 leading academic journal titles covering the life, health and physical sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Coverage for most titles from 1997.
Articles that synthesize the primary research literature in 43 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. Our coverage extends back to 1996.
Includes current issues for 15 of the American Anthropological Association’s most critical peer-reviewed publications, including American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
Archives of Sexuality and Gender
The largest collection available in support of the study of gender and sexuality, enables scholars to make new connections in LGBTQ history and activism, cultural studies, psychology, health, political science, policy studies, and other related areas of research.
Civil Rights and Social Justice
HeinOnline’s Civil Rights and Social Justice database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States. Contains hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights.
A good place to begin research on current topics. The weekly publication covers the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, full-text articles, pros and cons, and more. Users may browse through articles in the current issue or search for past articles using words, dates or other criteria.
Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)
This collection of documents is a a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Series I. Evans is “the definitive resource for information about every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America.”
Early Encounters in North America
Primary documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, etc.) providing early accounts of North American exploration and discovery. Includes perspectives from Native Americans, Europeans, Americans, and Africans. Also covers the environment of early North America (e.g., prints and illustrations of fauna and flora).
HeinOnline Academic focuses on legal and government information, containing more than 80 million pages of content and providing access to 300+ years of information on political development and legal systems around the world. In addition to a large collection of journals, the database also contains the Congressional Record bound volumes in entirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations from inception, the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, and much more. The legal research service provides subscribers access to a wide array of case law at the federal and state levels and enables users to access the full text of cases.
Historical Statistics of the United States
Quantitative facts of American history. The fully searchable and downloadable electronic edition permits users to graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets. Tables include full documentation, sources, and footnotes.
Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984
Provides indexing for important humanities-related content from nearly 800 periodicals. Includes complete coverage of the following print indexes: International Index: 18 volumes, 1907 – March 1965; Social Sciences & Humanities Index: 9 volumes, April 1965–March 1974; Humanities Index: 10 volumes, April 1974 — March 1984.
International Historical Statistics
Provides key economic and social indicators for the last 260 years.
Military and Government Collection
Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military, this database offers a thorough collection of military titles, trade publications, and news weeklies.
Mountain People: Life and Culture in Appalachia
Part of Gale Publishing’s “Archives Unbound.” Interweaving social, political, environmental, economic, and popular history, this collection chronicles the Appalachian past. Along the way, it explores Appalachia’s contradictory images that have shaped perceptions of the region as both the essence of America and a place apart. Throughout the collection, a wide range of Appalachian voices enlivens the analysis and reminds us of the importance of storytelling in the ways the people of Appalachia define themselves and their region.
National Geographic Magazine Archive
The complete archive of the magazine to the mid-1990s, including every page and every photograph, all fully searchable through an intuitive interface, from 1888-1994.
North American Women’s Letters & Diaries
Includes the immediate experiences of 442 women, as revealed in approximately 50,000 pages of diaries and letters spanning more than 300 years. The collection includes one of the most comprehensive bibliographies of women’s diaries and letters yet published. Also includes more than 1,500 biographies.
Nexis Uni (LexisNexis Academic)
Newspapers (US and international), legal cases and law reviews, and company profiles. Users can search those categories separately or search the entire database at once. “Research Guides” are available to assist with search questions.
Points of View Reference Center
Designed to assist researchers in understanding the full scope of controversial subjects. Useful as a guide for debate, developing arguments, writing position papers, and for development of critical thinking skills.
The full-text article database from the American Psychological Association. Includes the full text of around 80 journals and provides access to the full run of each journal from v. 1 to the present.
The standard resource for professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines. Provides abstracts for journals, books and dissertations. Covers around 2,500 journals dating back to the 1800s.
Indexing and full-text access for over 2,500 journals in health and life sciences, physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and a small number in arts and humanities.
Research the pros and cons of current issues and enduring social issues through full-text articles, multimedia, primary sources, government documents and reference materials.
SpringerLink All-Americas Package
A large collection of around 1,800 full-text and pdf-image academic journals covering the sciences, health and medicine, mathematics, and social and behavioral sciences. Most titles provide coverage from 1997 to the present.
192 country profiles cover every important area: political parties and leaders, population, economics, climate, natural resources, military capabilities, education and legal systems, culture and communications, health and environment, and international affairs. Includes coverage of world events, biographies of key figures, and special profiles of regions, states, and cities.
Wiley Online Library Journal Collection
Includes nearly 1,400 leading academic journal titles covering the life, health and physical sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Coverage for most titles from 1997.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
Brings together books, images, documents, scholarly essays, commentaries, and bibliographies, documenting the multiplicity of women’s reform activities.
Books, pamphlets, images, and manuscript resources from the Harvard University Library covering work life for women during this period.
Docuseek streams essential independent, social-issue and environmental films, providing access to content from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution, such as Bullfrog, First Run Features, Good Docs, Icarus and Women Make Movies. Our collection includes around 2,400 titles–if you “Register” on the site, you can view the entire catalog and request titles that aren’t part of our subscription.
Thousands of full-length video programs and segments. Collections cover the humanities & social sciences, business & economics, science & mathematics, and health & medicine. Producers of films include: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, NBC, CNBC, ABC, PBS, BBC, National Geographic, and many more.
The Just for Kids Streaming Collection provides video clips from a variety of kids shows, like Sesame Street, The Electric Company, Reading Rainbow, Arthur, The Berenstain Bears, and more.
Over 26,000 films from leading producers such as Criterion Collection, PBS, California Newsreel, Kino Lorber, First Run Features, Green Planet Films, etc. Includes documentaries, independents, international films, and more.
A large catalog of feature films, documentaries, foreign films, plays, and more from both Hollywood and Independent studios.
Faculty may request titles for classroom use, though these titles do not come with Public Performance Rights. Licenses are good for one year. Faculty and students will need to create an account in order to search the entire Swank catalog and to access our licensed content (i.e., if you are not logged in, you may not be able to tell if a particular title is available from Swank.)
Choose a letter below to expand the list of available databases.
Over 3,000 full-text books covering a wide range of subject areas. Includes the series Daily Life Through History, Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Authors, Historic Events of the 20th Century, and Literature in Context.
Business research from journals, trade publications, market research reports, dissertations, and working papers.
Over 1,700 high-quality titles in the humanities (mostly history).
A scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
African American Newspapers Series 1, 1827-1998
Provides full-image articles from approximately 270 U.S. newspapers from more than 35 states, chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience.
African-American Poetry (1750-1900)
Nearly 3,000 poems written by African-American poets in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Indexes journals, USDA publications, state agricultural experiment station and extension services documents, FAO publications, foreign documents, conference proceedings, books, and audio-visual materials covering agriculture and related subjects.
Covers April/May 1986 – December 2010/January 2011 and includes complete issues from that time period. Encompasses every era of aviation and space exploration.
Covers the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Together with Historical Abstracts, these are the best and most complete history indexes we have; citations include abstracts.
American Civil War: Letters & Diaries
Almost 100,000 pages of primary materials, including memoirs, letters and diaries.
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America
Explore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from the earliest contact with European settlers up to documents covering the turbulence of the American Civil War, the on-going repercussions of government legislation, the civil rights movement of the mid- to late-twentieth century, and more. Includes a wide range of rare and original documents from treaties, speeches and diaries, to historic maps and travel journals. This resource contains material from the Newberry Library’s extensive Edward E. Ayer Collection; one of the strongest archival collections on American Indian history in the world.
Over 40,000 poems by more than 200 American poets from the Colonial Period to the early twentieth century.
Articles that synthesize the primary research literature in 43 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. Our coverage extends back to 1996.
Includes current issues for 15 of the American Anthropological Association’s most critical peer-reviewed publications, including American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
Appropriate Technology Library
A large collection of over 1,000 full-text practical books on village and small community technology. The publications are reviewed in The Sourcebook (with links to the texts) and cover water supply systems, renewable energy, agricultural tools and implements, intensive gardening, forestry, housing, and other topics. Most of the publications are from the 70s and 80s, but are still useful as guides to do-it-yourself technology. Note: this resource is only available when on the local campus network.
Descriptions of historical documents, personal papers, and family histories held in archives around the world. Types of materials include birth and death records, ship logs, cemetery records, and more.
Archives of Sexuality and Gender
The largest collection available in support of the study of gender and sexuality, enables scholars to make new connections in LGBTQ history and activism, cultural studies, psychology, health, political science, policy studies, and other related areas of research.
Provides full-text coverage of 380 periodicals and more than 220 books. Includes an Image Collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others.
A repository of approximately 300,000 images covering art, architecture and archeology. The collections cover a wide variety of civilizations, time-periods, and media. ARTstor’s software tools support a wide range of pedagogical and research uses including: viewing and analyzing images through features such as zooming and panning, saving groups of images online for personal or shared uses, and creating and delivering presentations both online and offline.
Biographical information on more than one million people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
Offers a comprehensive collection of more than 450,000 biographies, including the complete run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine.
A leading reference database in the life sciences, providing abstracts to over 4,000 journals. The backfile of Biological Abstracts, covering 1926-2011, was made possible by a donation from the Dorothy and Willis Eggler Fund, which provides funding for journal resources in biology.
A full-text aggregation of bioscience research journals focusing on the biological, ecological and environmental sciences. Our subscription is made possible by the Dorothy and Willis Eggler Fund, which provides funding for journal resources in biology.
Provides access to abstracts and indexing for thousands of titles, plus searchable full text for more than 8,800 business periodicals.
Chicago Manual of Style Online
The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to writing and citation styles, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format.
Chronicle of Higher Education Online
News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. The Chronicle’s Web site features the complete contents of the latest print issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; articles published since September 1989; discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV’s, salary databases, and more.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
This Library of Congress site provides access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages. Full text images of newspapers cover from 1836-1922. The site also includes a newspaper directory, covering 1690-present. See http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/about/ for more info.
Civil Rights and Social Justice
HeinOnline’s Civil Rights and Social Justice database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States. Contains hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights.
Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry
Contains 250,000 poems in full text and 450,000 citations. The poems in full text are the most widely-read in the English language, as well as in Spanish, French, German, and Italian. Included also is poetry in Portuguese, Polish, Yiddish, Welsh, Gaelic, and other Celtic languages, as well as poems in the ancient languages: Anglo-Saxon, Provencal and Latin. There are numerous commentaries on individual poems as well as biographies of leading poets.
A good place to begin research on current topics. The weekly publication covers the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, full-text articles, pros and cons, and more. Users may browse through articles in the current issue or search for past articles using words, dates or other criteria.
General reference and resource discovery tool that provides access to hundreds of subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographical information, images, bibliographies, and links to journal articles, books, and online sources.
Reference and research tool providing instant, real-time access to accurate, in-depth information on 24 million U.S. businesses and 235 million U.S. residents. Data-Axle makes it faster and easier to find new business opportunities, research executives and companies, find news articles, conduct job searches, research papers, locate addresses and phone numbers, conduct market research and much more. Formerly known as ReferenceUSA.
Provides online access to archival and historical materials related to the culture of the southern and central Appalachian region. The contents of the DLA are drawn from special collections of Appalachian College Association member libraries, including appalachian music recordings from WWC.
Docuseek streams essential independent, social-issue and environmental films, providing access to content from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution, such as Bullfrog, First Run Features, Good Docs, Icarus and Women Make Movies. Our collection includes around 2,400 titles–if you “Register” on the site, you can view the entire catalog and request titles that aren’t part of our subscription.
E & E (Environment & Energy) Publishing
Daily coverage of environmental and energy policy and markets. E&E’s five daily online publications are considered “must-reads” by people who track and influence energy, environmental and climate policy. The entire site can be searched at once, or users can browse the individual sections: EnergyWire, ClimateWire, E & E Daily, GreenWire, E & E NewsPM, E & E TV, and Reports.
Early American Imprints, Series I. Evans (1639-1800)
This collection of documents is a a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Series I. Evans is “the definitive resource for information about every aspect of life in 17th- and 18th-century America.”
Early American Newspapers, Series I (1690-1876)
More than 700 historical American newspapers from 23 states and the District of Columbia, offering over a million and a half fully searchable page images from the original papers.
Early Encounters in North America
Primary documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, etc.) providing early accounts of North American exploration and discovery. Includes perspectives from Native Americans, Europeans, Americans, and Africans. Also covers the environment of early North America (e.g., prints and illustrations of fauna and flora).
Over 80,000 electronic books, covering a wide range of subjects.
• Note: This is the collection previously known as Ebrary.
The “Academic Complete” collection provides over 70,000 ebooks from dozens of trusted academic publishers, covering a wide variety of subject areas. Books may be downloaded onto multiple devices.
Essentially the complete English poetic canon from 600 to 1900. Over 165,000 poems by more than 1,250 poets drawn from nearly 4,500 printed sources.
Entrepreneurial Studies Source
Provides the latest insight into topics relevant to entrepreneurship and small business, with information from periodicals, reference books, case studies, thousands of company profiles and over 600 videos with transcripts and related articles from the Harvard Faculty Series and Vator.TV.
Coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. Contains full text for more than 920 journals, such as Environment (back to 1975), Ecologist, Conservation Biology, etc.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
Contains citations and abstracts of the international journal and report literature in education and related fields. Sources include more than 980 journals, educational reports, project descriptions, curriculum guides, and dissertations, with links to many full-text documents.
European Views of the Americas
Created from European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750, the authoritative bibliography respected by scholars worldwide. A comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples.
A collection of some of the most influential poets of the twentieth century, covering the seventy year history of this major publishing house. The Faber list includes Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney, T. S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath.
Federal Surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984
Part of Gale Publishing’s “Archives Unbound.” Black Americans of all political persuasions were subject to federal scrutiny, harassment, and prosecution. A perusal of FBI case files for this period persuasively argues that black activism was one of the major preoccupations and targets of the federal investigatory network.
Thousands of full-length video programs and segments. Collections cover the humanities & social sciences, business & economics, science & mathematics, and health & medicine. Producers of films include: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, NBC, CNBC, ABC, PBS, BBC, National Geographic, and many more.
Includes Literature Resource Center, Literature Criticism Online (inc. Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism), Scribner’s Writers, Twayne’s Authors, and literature titles from Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
A collection of over 1,200 electronic reference books covering a wide range of topics.
Global Plants (from JSTOR)
Information on more than two million plant specimens. High-resolution images of herbarium specimens accompany each entry; the object viewer allows subscribers to zoom in and take measurements of a specimen. Each entry provides links to relevant journal and book references. Users can save information in a personal profile, MyPlants.
Provides a simple way to search for scholarly literature from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, etc. You can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions.
Offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records.
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Provides consumer oriented information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Provides more than 400 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Includes Stedman’s Medical Dictionary.
HeinOnline Academic focuses on legal and government information, containing more than 80 million pages of content and providing access to 300+ years of information on political development and legal systems around the world. In addition to a large collection of journals, the database also contains the Congressional Record bound volumes in entirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, all United States Treaties, the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations from inception, the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, and much more. The legal research service provides subscribers access to a wide array of case law at the federal and state levels and enables users to access the full text of cases.
Research materials for tracing family history and American culture. Contains original page images for all documents, over 25,000 books, the entire U.S. Federal Census, and more.
Historical Statistics of the United States
Quantitative facts of American history. The fully searchable and downloadable electronic edition permits users to graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets. Tables include full documentation, sources, and footnotes.
Downloadable audiobooks and ebooks on a variety of topics, including language learning, history, biography, classic literature, and more. Compatible with all popular e-readers that support apps. An app is available for download. Users will need to make a personal account to use this resource.
After you enter your email and create a password, you need to select your library. In this case, it’s NC LIVE. So, if you don’t see NC LIVE as an option, just type it in: NC(space)LIVE, and it will appear. Once you select that, you will have to enter a library card number: just enter any number you want and append NC to it. For example, 12345NC
Humanities Index Retrospective: 1907-1984
Provides indexing for important humanities-related content from nearly 800 periodicals. Includes complete coverage of the following print indexes: International Index: 18 volumes, 1907 – March 1965; Social Sciences & Humanities Index: 9 volumes, April 1965–March 1974; Humanities Index: 10 volumes, April 1974 — March 1984.
International Historical Statistics (1750-2010)
Provides key economic and social indicators for the last 260 years.
JSTOR – The Scholarly Journal Archive
Provides complete archives of core scholarly journals, many of which date from the 1800s (and some earlier), covering a wide range of disciplines in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. The most recent issues of journals are typically not included (usually, there is a 2-5 year gap). Also includes over 30,000 ebooks.
Over 30,000 quality titles covering the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. For best results, narrow the “Item Type” to books.
The Just for Kids Streaming Collection provides video clips from a variety of kids shows, like Sesame Street, The Electric Company, Reading Rainbow, Arthur, The Berenstain Bears, and more.
LearningExpress Library Complete & PrepSTEP Academic
Practice tests, interactive tutorials, and ebooks for student adult learners. Includes practice tests such as GED, GRE, SAT, TEAS, and supports those looking to improve core academic skills, pass a high school equivalency test, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more.
LexisNexis Academic is now Nexis Uni
Fully searchable, cover to cover page images of the magazine, from issue #1 in 1936 to 05/01/2000.
LISTA: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
An international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists.
Literary Reference Center Plus
Information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and time frames. Includes book reviews, classic and contemporary poems and short stories, author interviews, more than 8,200 classic texts, and several full-length literary reference works.
Online language-learning system that can help you learn languages like Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian, Russian and more. There are also several ESL modules. You first need to register a personal account to use Mango. Go to “Create a Profile” and enter your email address and make up a password. Then, you are all set and can use Mango on campus or off campus.
General reference magazines and publications covering a wide-range of subject areas including business, health, education, general science and multicultural issues. Includes news, newswires, and videos.
Military and Government Collection
Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military, this database offers a thorough collection of military titles, trade publications, and news weeklies.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Comprehensive information on mutual funds and stocks.
Mountain People: Life and Culture in Appalachia
Part of Gale Publishing’s “Archives Unbound.” Interweaving social, political, environmental, economic, and popular history, this collection chronicles the Appalachian past. Along the way, it explores Appalachia’s contradictory images that have shaped perceptions of the region as both the essence of America and a place apart. Throughout the collection, a wide range of Appalachian voices enlivens the analysis and reminds us of the importance of storytelling in the ways the people of Appalachia define themselves and their region.
National Geographic Magazine Archive
The complete archive of the magazine to the mid-1990s, including every page and every photograph, all fully searchable through an intuitive interface, from 1888-1994.
Provides a large suite of content from Nature Publishing, including access to the journal Nature, from the current issue back to the first issue in 1869, as well as access to the Scientific American archive back to the first issue in 1845. Also includes the 2,500 issues in the Supplement and Builders Collections.
In all, provides online access to more than 80 journals, including all archived content, incorporating a wide variety of titles across the life, physical and clinical sciences.
NC LIVE Home Grown eBook Collection
More than 1,200 eBooks from a variety of North Carolina publishers, including UNC Press, Algonquin, and McFarland. Includes popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mysteries, etc.), and award-winning short fiction and poetry. Books can easily be read online or downloaded to a variety of devices.
New York Times (1980 – present)
Fully searchable full text.
Warren Wilson has an academic site license to The New York Times web site. This “Group Pass” gives you unlimited access to all content on the site, with the exception of a limitation on the number of articles you can view from the archive period 1923-1980. (Access includes the archives dating back to 1851 with limited access of 5 article downloads per day during 1923-1980.) All content outside of 1923-1980 is unlimited.
To activate a one-year license to the site, please READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS.
Provides cover-to-cover full text for 149 national & international newspapers and selective full text for more than 410 U.S newspapers. Associated Press (AP) and United Press International (UPI) stories are also included. In addition, full-text television & radio news transcripts are provided from CBS News, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, National Public Radio (NPR), etc.
Nexis Uni (LexisNexis Academic)
Newspapers (US and international), legal cases and law reviews, and company profiles. Users can search those categories separately or search the entire database at once. “Research Guides” are available to assist with search questions.
Nineteenth Century US Newspapers
Full text, searchable collection features publications of all kinds, from the political party newspapers at the beginning of the nineteenth century to the mammoth dailies that shaped the nation at the century’s end.
North American Women’s Letters & Diaries
Includes the immediate experiences of 442 women, as revealed in approximately 50,000 pages of diaries and letters spanning more than 300 years. The collection includes one of the most comprehensive bibliographies of women’s diaries and letters yet published. Also includes more than 1,500 biographies.
Includes full page images from student and community newspapers from schools and towns around North Carolina, dating back to 1824.
North Carolina Periodicals Index
Provides access to selected articles in over 40 periodicals published in NC, many of which are not indexed elsewhere. Coverage for most titles began in 1992; includes abstracts.
Downloadable audio and e-books. Use the Libby app to request titles we don’t have.
Oxford English Dictionary Online
The accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. A guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources.
A gateway to excellent music reference sources, including Grove Music Online, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, and The Oxford Companion to Music.
Index of papers included in every congress, conference, exposition, workshop, symposium, and meeting received at The British Library.
Points of View Reference Center
Designed to assist researchers in understanding the full scope of controversial subjects. Useful as a guide for debate, developing arguments, writing position papers, and for development of critical thinking skills.
A compilation of more than 14,000 surveys conducted by more than 700 polling organizations in the United States and more than 80 other countries from 1986 to the present.
Citations of every congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received at The British Library.
A large multi-purpose full-text resource of magazines, journals and newspapers, including peer-reviewed and scholarly works. ProQuest Central compiles a wide variety of ProQuest databases covering many subjects in one central platform.
Coverage of religious affairs and religious thinking from top periodicals in the field. Includes the full text of almost 100 journals.
The full-text article database from the American Psychological Association. Includes the full text of around 80 journals and provides access to the full run of each journal from v. 1 to the present.
The standard resource for professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines. Provides abstracts for journals, books and dissertations. Covers around 2,500 journals dating back to the 1800s.
A bibliographic database from the National Library of Medicine that contains references to journal articles in the life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine. The database contains citations from 1950 to the present, with some older material. PubMed Central is the free full-text subset of PubMed.
An archive of full-text biomedical and life sciences journal literature. PubMed Central is a subset of the larger PubMed citation and abstract database.
Readers’ Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982
One of the classic reference sources providing coverage of mainstream magazines goes online, offering full coverage of the original paper volumes, providing indexing of over three million articles from more than 550 leading magazines.
Reference Shelf provides balanced coverage, supported by comprehensive background information, on topics of vital interest to students and researchers. Each volume contains 35-45 notable documents and articles (complete or abstracted) from highly respected periodicals and media outlets. In addition, the Preface introduces the reader to the topic and 5-6 chapters within the text provide readers with thoughtful guidance on how to approach a particular aspect of the topic. A bibliography, index and important websites enhance further research.
Provides access to 11,173 large-scale maps of 158 North Carolina towns and cities. Users can easily manipulate the maps and compare maps from different years (from 1867-1970). These maps are valuable historical tools for urban specialists, social historians, architects, geographers, genealogists, local historians, planners, environmentalists and anyone who wants to learn about the history, growth, and development of American cities, towns, and neighborhoods.
Indexing and full-text access for over 2,500 journals in health and life sciences, physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and a small number in arts and humanities.
Scientific American Magazine Archive, 1948-2005
A long-running premier magazine of scientific discovery and technological innovation for the general public. Readers turn to it for a deep understanding of how science and technology can influence human affairs and illuminate the natural world. (Note: other databases offer coverage of current issues).
Designed specifically for elementary and middle school students, SIRS Discoverer offers articles, nonfiction books, images, activities, and websites curated for educational relevance, age appropriateness, and readability.
Research the pros and cons of current issues and enduring social issues through full-text articles, multimedia, primary sources, government documents and reference materials.
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive
More than five million cross-searchable pages sourced from books, pamphlets, newspapers, periodicals, legal documents, court records, monographs, manuscripts and maps from multiple countries.
Vibrant photos and articles take a dynamic approach in exploring modern and historic perspectives covering history, science, nature, the arts, travel, world culture and technology. The archive covers from April 1970 – December 2010 and includes complete issues from that time period. (Note: other databases offer coverage of current issues).
Visualization and data-mapping tool with hundreds of thousands of data indicators across demography, economy, health, education, religion, crime and more.
5,000 academic titles covering a wide range of disciplines, such as mathematics, physics, life sciences, chemistry, environmental science, and many of the social sciences.
SpringerLink All-Americas Package
A large collection of around 1,800 full-text and pdf-image academic journals covering the sciences, health and medicine, mathematics, and social and behavioral sciences. Most titles provide coverage from 1997 to the present.
192 country profiles cover every important area: political parties and leaders, population, economics, climate, natural resources, military capabilities, education and legal systems, culture and communications, health and environment, and international affairs. Includes coverage of world events, biographies of key figures, and special profiles of regions, states, and cities.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
A large catalog of feature films, documentaries, foreign films, plays, and more from both Hollywood and Independent studios.
Faculty may request titles for classroom use, though these titles do not come with Public Performance Rights. Licenses are good for one year. Faculty and students will need to create an account in order to search the entire Swank catalog and to access our licensed content (i.e., if you are not logged in, you may not be able to tell if a particular title is available from Swank.)
20th Century African-American Poetry
Poetry written by the most important and influential African American poets of the twentieth century. Presently includes over 6,000 poems from over 100 complete editions by 46 poets.
Modern and contemporary American poetry from the early twentieth century to the present. Presently includes 36,000 poems drawn from 460 volumes by 217 poets.
Provides an overview of poetry written in the 20th century by both established and emerging writers.
Indexes titles from the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals, and books.
Fully searchable, cover to cover page images of the magazine, from issue #1 in 1923 to 12/26/2000.
Times (London) Digital Archive: 1785-2011
Online, full-text facsimile of more than 200 years of The Times, one of the most highly regarded resources for the 19th – 20th Century history detailing every complete page of every issue from 1785.
Transparent Language Online provides a fun, effective, and engaging experience for learners of all levels looking to build their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a foreign language. It combines robust courses, supplemental vocabulary, extensive grammar resources, and mobile apps, with over 110 languages to choose from, including English for speakers of over 30 languages.
Business and financial news coverage, personal and company profiles, feature reporting, special reports, and regular columns.
Wiley Online Library Journal Collection
Includes nearly 1,400 leading academic journal titles covering the life, health and physical sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Coverage for most titles from 1997.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
Brings together books, images, documents, scholarly essays, commentaries, and bibliographies, documenting the multiplicity of women’s reform activities.
Books, pamphlets, images, and manuscript resources from the Harvard University Library covering work life for women during this period.
Catalog of several million books, serials, audiovisual media, maps, archives/manuscripts, scores, and computer files owned by libraries around the world. Requests for materials not available at WWC can be made here.
WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
A subset of the larger WorldCat database that includes records for all cataloged dissertations, theses and published material based on theses and dissertations.
Special Instructions
NY Times Database
As a member of the Warren Wilson College community, you have full access to the NYTimes through an annual academic license.
At the end of the one-year license, you will need to return to the url below to re-activate another license (using your existing login).
- While connected to the WWC network and on campus, Go to nytimes.com/grouppass.
- Create an NYTimes.com account using your school email address. If you already have an NYTimes.com account using your school email address, you may log in with those credentials.
- IMPORTANT: If you have an individual paid digital subscription to the NYTimes.com using your Warren Wilson email address and want to cancel it so that you can take advantage of our institutional group pass, you should first change the email address associated with that account to a non-WWC address.
- Once you have changed the email address, you should be able to cancel the account and sign on to the Group Pass. Also note that the Group Pass does not allow the use of tablet apps, though mobile apps for phones will work (you can also just use the mobile NYT site on either a phone or tablet).
- When you see START YOUR ACCESS, the expiration time and date of your pass will appear.
- Go to NYTimes.com and enjoy your full access from any location, whether you are on campus or off.
Kanopy Films
Films from Kanopy are activated upon request, depending on library funding. Priority is given to faculty members using films for classes. Films are licensed for access for a 1-year period and allow unlimited streaming during that period.