At Warren Wilson, every academic department requires a senior capstone project. Students present their final Capstone projects at the end of the semester. Check out some of their projects.
The students' volunteer work included building houses for Habitat for Humanity, food justice work in community gardens across Buncombe County with Bountiful Cities, cleaning up a watershed with A Clean Wilson Creek and flood relief in Letcher County, Kentucky.
Soon students at Warren Wilson College won’t have to leave their furry, feathered or scaly friends at home. Beginning in the fall, the college will become a pet-friendly campus.
Work Day has been described as Warren Wilson Christmas. It is a more than 100-year-old tradition when classes are canceled so students, faculty and staff can come together to improve campus.
The Applied Barefoot Studies major will provide students with a unique interdisciplinary approach, blending elements of biology, anthropology, podiatry and environmental studies.
On Sunday, Rhiannon Giddens gave a shout-out to Warren Wilson professors Kevin Kehrberg and Jeffrey Keith during her performance at Big Ears Festival with the Silkroad Ensemble. Giddens celebrated that the ensemble’s “American Railroad” project emerged, in part, from the impact of “Somebody Died, Babe,” an article Kehrberg and Keith published in the Bitter Southerner.