Alum Wendy Eggerman stands in her ceramic studio
Alumni Businesses
The WWC Alumni Business Directory is a tool for connecting community members and supporting fellow Owls across the country and the globe.…
Work Crews
Students engage in the work program on many distinctive crews that develop a variety of skills. The college community is supported by…
a large number of Coats hanging in the Farm Office
Work Program
• • Work. Learning. In every direction you look, you’ll see students learning and working. Here, the two are integrated, because we…
The owl mascot stands in front of the homecoming barn
After WWC
Warren Wilson graduates are recognized for their curiosity, dedication, and passion for making the world a better place than they found it.…
students collaborate on computer
Data Science
As technology progresses, humanity has gathered increasingly larger and more complicated data sets about our lives and our world. And hidden within…