Tiny, little “water bears” are making it big, riding a wave of popularity thanks in part to the work of Biology Professor Paul Bartels, Ph.D. Bartels was recently interviewed about tardigrades for the hit podcast, “Ologies with Alie Ward,” and the resulting episode, “Tardigradology,” is available today at https://www.alieward.com/ologies/tardigradology, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
In the interview, Bartels shared insights about the challenges of studying the microscopic organisms, which are known for their ability to survive extreme conditions other species cannot survive by entering a state of suspended animation. The episode highlights Bartels’ extensive studies of these remarkable animals, which are now a pop culture phenomenon available as plushies, on socks, and in animations.
“I’ve been working on tardigrades for almost 25 years and continue to be intrigued by their diversity and wide range of ecological adaptations, as well as their appeal to students of all ages. I call them charismatic microfauna,” Bartels said. “There are only a handful of researchers in the U.S. studying these animals, and we regularly collaborate with them and the larger international community of tardigradologists. It’s been a lot of fun to host many of these folks in the WWC tardigrade lab.”
Over the years dozens of Warren Wilson students have participated in Bartels’ research, helping describe new species and appearing as co-authors of peer-reviewed publications.
“WWC students even discovered a new species on campus—Milnesium warrenwilsonensis n.sp., which is currently undergoing further analysis,” Bartels explained.
“Ologies” is renowned for its engaging and accessible exploration of diverse scientific fields, with each episode spotlighting a different “ology” through interviews with experts. The podcast is celebrated for its blend of humor, curiosity, and a genuine passion for making complex subjects approachable and entertaining for listeners from all walks of life.
Bartels was also recently featured on RealScience in the new episode “The Insane Biology of Tardigrades.”
A valued member of the Warren Wilson College faculty since 1986, Bartels teaches courses such as Evolution, Field Natural History, Invertebrate Zoology, and numerous international coral reef ecology field courses. He has published more than 50 journal articles and enjoys an international reputation in his field.