Dr. Alisa Hove, professor of botany and chair of the biology department at Warren Wilson College, will return to Jeopardy! this Thursday.
Hove will compete in the Wildcard Champions Hearts Tournament. This is part of a tournament where contestants compete for $100,000 and the chance to appear in the 2024 Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions. The episode airs on Thursday, November 30 at 7:30 p.m.
Hove previously competed in the Jeopardy! Professors Tournament in 2021, when she advanced all the way to the finals. As the 2021 Professors Tournament second runner-up, she won $25,000.
“I thought that going on Jeopardy once and winning was a euphoric, once in a lifetime experience. I was thrilled to have the chance to go back, compete, and spend time with a new set of contestants in the Jeopardy! community,” Hove said.