The MA in Critical Craft studies is hosting two upcoming programs — one a presentation of faculty research and the second student research. Both programs are free and open to the public. Help us spread the word!
Jan 9, 6-8 pm
Join our classroom conversation! The MA in Critical Craft Studies, Warren Wilson College invites you to learn with us! Core Faculty Tom Martin, Anna Helgeson and Sara Clugage will share their research, to be followed by dialogue with attendees.
Tom Martin, Craft as Liberal Learning
Anna Helegson, Cooking and Cleaning in the Shadows: the Speculative Diaries of Black Mountain College Cook Cornelia Williams
Sara Clugage, Things I’ve Done with Food
The Center for Craft, 67 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801
Jan 12, 6-8 pm
Join our classroom conversation! The MA in Critical Craft Studies, Warren Wilson College invites you to learn with us! Learn about student research projects in a fast-paced pecha kucha presentation followed by dialogue with attendees.
MA in Critical Craft Studies candidates sharing their research include:
Miriam Devlin
Jill DiMassimo
Jennifer Hand
Beryl Perron-Feller
Rena Tom
Joanna Weiss
Tina Wiltsie
The Center for Craft, 67 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801